Monday, November 18, 2019

Bioengineering 2019

About Conference

It gives a great pleasure to invite you all to the two days International Conference on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Bioinformatics on November 18-19, 2019 in Rome, Italy. This Conference will be associated with upcoming discoveries, past research values and their implementation in this Global growing world and will be helpful for Researchers, Scientist, Businessmen, Students and anyone related to the growth of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, its applied sources. People who will be attending this from all over the world in different sections are as follows - Directors of Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery or related Programs or Associations, Heads, Deans and Professors of Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery departments, Bioinformatics researchers, Pharmaceutical Companies, Physicians, Medical,  Doctors, Business Professionals, Scientists and Researcher organizers, Research Scholar, Lab Technicians, Healthcare professionals, Founders and Employees of the related companies, Clinical investigators & Researcher, Hospitals and Health Services, Pharmaceutical companies, Laboratory members, Training institutions, Support organizers, Bioengineering,…

Why to attend the conference:
Presenting your ideas and work gives you new perspective about work as people may ask questions that make you think about your project differently. Gaining expert knowledge, exchanging views and information and allowing them to discuss tomorrow’s challenges in Bioengineering. This event emphasizes at bringing the advancements in the field of Bioengineering and related fields.